Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Governors Documents

Warton St Paul’s CE Primary Academy, The Role of the Local Governing Committee

The role of the Governors of  Warton St Paul’s CE Primary Academy is to:

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school;
  • set strategic aims and objectives in line with this vision;
  • work closely with the Headteacher and all school staff to set policies which we believe will achieve those aims and objectives;
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making, towards ensuring that each child benefits from an outstanding education;
  • oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure its money is well spent;
  • ensure that the school grounds and buildings are safe and well-maintained, to offer the best possible facilities to support the children's development.

Individuals on the Local Governing Committee contribute knowledge and experience in the areas of management, health and safety, pastoral care, property and premises, and education. 

The full Governing Body meets once each term.  Each Governor also sits on at least one Committee (details below), and groups of Governors meet as required to discuss, for example, our vision for the school, performance data or changes to the curriculum. We undertake regular training to keep our knowledge and understanding of education and governance issues up to date and we visit school during the working day as often as we can.  Individual Governors take responsibility for liaising with school staff regarding specific areas of learning, and they report back to other Governors so that we all keep up to date.

The Governing Body currently consists of the following individuals:

Bev Harrison Chair
Rev. Tracy Swindells Vice Chair
Laura Dean Headteacher
Colin Charnley Foundation Governor
Sandra Pitman Foundation Governor
Jonathan Halliwell Foundation Governor 
Kirsty Hastwell Parent Governor
Matthew Wright Parent Governor
Sharon Cookson Staff Governor

A register of Governors’ business interests, and their terms of office is also published on this website.

Nominated Governors

English - Jonathan Halliwell
Maths - Matthew Wright
SIAMS - Rev. Tracy Swindells

Curriculum - Bev Harrison 

SEND - Kirsty Hastwell

Safeguarding/Prevent - Bev Harrison

PHSE & Wellbeing - Rev. Tracy Swindells

EYFS - Sharon Cookson

PP & SP - Bev Harrison

AGT - Sandra Pitman

EAL - Colin Charnley

Class Governors 

Opal - Sharon Cookson

Pearl - Colin Charnley

Emerald - Kirsty Hastwell

Topaz - Jonathan Halliwell 

Sapphire - Sandra Pitman

Amethyst - Matthew Wright

If you have any questions regarding the Local Governing Committee, please contact Bev Harrison, Chair of Governors, via the school office or by e-mail wspoffice@cidari.co.uk