Welcome to Emerald Class
Our teacher is Mrs Ahmad.
Emerald Newsletters 2024-25
Emerald Homework
Find your spellings here. You will have new ones every Monday to practise for the week.
Can you amaze your family by getting them all right by Friday?
Emerald Spellings
Useful Websites
Marvellous Maths Activities
ICT Games
Lots of great games to practise maths skills!
Hit the Button
We love Hit the Button in Emerald Class! How are you doing with your times tables? :)
Toy Shop Money Game
Can you work out which coins to use to pay for your shopping? Your times tables and place value knowledge will come in handy!
Daily 10 Mental Maths
Challenge yourself and stretch your maths brain every morning!
Fabulous Phonics
Phonics Bloom
Play some of Emerald Class's favourite phonics games on here! Can you use your phonics skills to help Frankie avoid dastardly dangers to reach his family? What ridiculous sentences is the Yeti asking?
NEW Phonics Play
Fab phonics games you can play on you tablet or phone - Username: March 20 Password: Home
Family Learning
This is a link to some of the best phonics games online. Which is your favourite?
Super Science Activities
Have an explore of this website to investigate lots of Science topics. What can you find out today?
Amazing Art Activities
CBBC Picture Maker
Create your own prizewinning pictures, using oodles of great tools and resources!